TALK TO ME NOW: Is God really saying something?
Take a deep breath in slowly, and out again. Then take a good look at yourself, also take a good look at all that you see around you including, people and objects, both living and non-living.
What do you see? If you do not see God in all that you see, both in the living and in the non-living and even in that slow breath that you just took, you do not appreciate God.
God is everywhere and in everything that represents His power. Are you already saying to yourself "how on earth can God be in non-living things?" Do not sweat. What Destiny books is saying is that God made heaven and earth and everything that exists in it.
Everything that man therefore created was from the first creation of God and we must acknowledge that. We are to acknowledge and praise God for giving us the ability to do so, we are not to praise the things that we have and have made, we are to worship God and only God.
It amazes me and sometimes gets me angry when I see people carving out images from different materials and calling it god. Have they forgotten so soon that it was God who created them, and everything here on earth, including that material that they have carved and named their god?
The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands Acts 17:24 NIV.
“The God who made the world and everything in it, this Master of sky and land, doesn’t live in custom-made shrines or need the human race to run errands for him, as if he couldn’t take care of himself. He makes the creatures; the creatures don’t make him. Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him. He doesn’t play hide-and-seek with us. He’s not remote; he’s near. We live and move in him, can’t get away from him! One of your poets said it well: ‘We’re the God-created.’ Well, if we are the God-created, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to think we could hire a sculptor to chisel a god out of stone for us, does it? Acts 17:24-29 The Message.
God created heaven and earth and everything that lives in it, including everything that you have just noted. God is so close to us, closer to us than our jugular vein.
No one can really say that this is who God is, this is how he looks or this is how God is. You can only see God and know God based on your own personal relationship with God if you form one with Him. Your first test will have to be, believing that God truly exists.
"God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24 NKJV
God is power and strength. His power is not the power that the world possesses today. God’s power is the power of love and peace. When God lives in you by the power of the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus, you also possess the same power of love and peace.
That power is that which makes one stand with authority, talk with authority, and do with authority. Anything that is done with the power, peace, and love of God reflects God in it.
Does it now make sense that a living being with the power of God can create anything to show the glory of God? Yes! I believe so.
I believe in God, but I never knew that anyone could simply hear from God just like that. I used to think that the only people who were seen as being Godly, people like the Pope, Pastors, Bishops, or Prophets, those seen in close connection with God, were the only ones privileged to hear from God, but my perceptions have been wrong.
Moses heard the Lord God Almighty through a burning bush Exodus 3:2-4 NKJV while Gideon heard the Lord while he was working, separating the wheat from chaff Judges 6:11-12;14 EXB. Moses was an 80-year-old man who had killed before, also was disobedient to God about circumcising His child. Gideon on the other hand was the least in his family, his family was the weakest.
The first time I heard God in that subtle still voice was in 2016, I heard the number 7 twice and never knew what that meant until I shared it with someone. 7 means perfection and completeness. It is good to have a spiritual guide to confirm things for you, also God can confirm anything you are not sure of if you ask Him.
My perceptions towards God changed when I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart as my personal Lord and Saviour. It was when I allowed Jesus Christ to take control over the journey of my life, when I finally said, “Yes! Lord, I surrender”
The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth Psalm 145:18 (NIV).
This scripture is so true. God is so near to us, but we have to allow Him to abide with us, work with us and work through us.
Most times as humans, we make a lot of silly mistakes and the only way to avoid mistakes is to hear from God.
When we hear from God before we do things, we will definitely save a lot of time. We will save the time we use in correcting mistakes for other better things.
Timing is controlled by God and time is so precious, and as people also say, time is money. Time is wisdom.
We may not have control over timing but we do have a choice to save time by choosing to hear that word “GO” from God just like when you hear the three-command start “On your mark, get set, go” before you begin a race.
Just as the “on your mark” commands one to get in a lane and the “get set” commands one to be well-positioned and the “go” commands to take off, so does God’s command to go ensures that we are well prepared and ready to face whatever it is we want to face in life.
If we do not want to be disqualified and waste unnecessary time, we will need God’s initial approval and final say in everything that we do. How then do we hear that “GO” or anything that God wants to say to us?
Like me, do you want to hear from God more clearly and consistently in your everyday life? Has God ever spoken to you? Have the things God spoken to you come to life and have come to pass? Or perhaps have you been wondering if what you heard spiritually was truly from God or from another source?
These questions are questions that I have always asked myself. I have heard God a few times and want to hear God more because hearing from God gives someone the reassurance and strength to go on when things look the opposite to what God said or is saying.
We all have a purpose to fulfill in life and it is of importance that we understand what matters and what does not matter in life. Thank God, I now know that there are ways in which you and I can sharpen our abilities to hear from God.
If I can hear from God, so can you. This book "TAlk To Me Now" has insights into how to hear from God. Although I had to learn most things the hard way, my joy is sharing through Destiny books like this one to enable me and others to avoid the mistakes I once made.
Your life and time are too precious to be wasted. I pray that you will be blessed and be able to save your precious time and avoid the pain and mistakes in life as much as you can in Jesus's name. Amen
Click to continue reading: You can see through what God is saying
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