Chapter 2
A step forward
Feed the right audience
Sometimes, your real audience will not surface until you have perfected what you want to present to the world. Have you ever presented a case study to your mirror? Well, I have. I have had to present my part of a presentation to a mirror, just to make sure I had gotten it all together.
That was my learning tactics and, an opportunity to practice. So, if your initial audience does not respond to you like a voiceless mirror, understand that you are still in your rehearsing stage, and practicing will eventually become perfect, depending on how much time and effort you give.
Do not get discouraged so soon because you have not been given the applause yet. Focus on creating and not on the reaction from an audience. Don’t worry, the right audience will show up as you continue to build.
God speaks according to His unlimited resources, so if God gives you a vision, He will also make provisions, and that's including your audience. God Himself will show you how to practice networking and connection skills.
Remember that, God's resources are limitless, also, understand that the comments and reactions from an audience are not an indicator of your greatness. Your greatness will be determined by the fruits you produce.
The enemy knows when you don't know exactly what you are doing, but when you are grounded in the word of God, you will not be tossed forward and backward like a ship ready to capsize.
The comments or views of some of your audience will be according to their own vision and understanding, so, believe in yourself and in the vision that God has given to you. When people make comments or express their views, they are expressing who they are and not who you are, except when they are in alignment with you and your God.
You really have to know who you are, to be able to stand without falling or getting easily distracted. Stand as tall as you can and, throw the balls as high as you can. Also, move as gracefully as you can otherwise, you are going to be stuck in a place of fear and uncertainty.
Rise up to the top, and to the level of your capacity, God has given you the inclination, instinct, and structures to perform to the level of your capacity.
As you follow your Godly instincts, you will finally find where to place your own puzzle pieces. God weighs a heart and, He will place ideas into your heart, it is your heart that will determine your capacity to receive.
It is about your heart and not your head, it is about how open and pure your heart is and not how educated you are, it is also about your inner man and your ability to absorb, handle and manage people and situations.

Love the giver of the gifts
To run your race, you may have to pass through some rough corners. You cannot acknowledge God only when the going is smooth, you also have to acknowledge God when the going gets rough.
God does not want us to seek him only because of His gifts or when the road is rough, He wants you to seek Him first and at all times. God is not to be added to your diet like a booster supplement, or eaten as a dessert in your five-course meal. God should be your entrée as the French call it. You have to place God first in your heart to be able to see clearly, even during rough times.
Don’t be mistaken like some, fulfillment is not about getting filled with your best diet, acquiring knowledge, or keeping wealth. Fulfilling your purpose on earth means advancing God’s kingdom on earth with your creativity, talents, and gifts.

Don’t join the haters
Don’t hate on people who have a higher level of capacity and adaptability. There is always something to gain from them. Don't also hate on people of a lower level of capacity and adaptability, encourage them but remember that it is God who increases, not man.
Just because you are faced with bad circumstances does not mean that you have to live in such circumstances, hating and blaming others, bad circumstances are only temporary.
The reason why some people remain rooted in problems that are generational is that they agree with such problems. You should only agree with what God is saying. See to it that you align with the word of God and break every generational curse in your life.
Not until you break those generational curses and renew your own mind, you will not be able to reach for the things that God has in plan for you and your future.
Most people have re-grafted themselves into life situations that are not even real. Get rid of all those voices that you are hearing inside of you, get rid of all the negative thoughts, and replace them with the living word of God.
What you feed on can shape you. If you eat junk food, you will be overweight, so also if you feed on negative things, see negative things or hear negative things, you may begin to do negative things without you even realizing it. So, feed yourself with things that will make you who God initially created you to be.

The transition may be rough
A completed building would have been finished by a group of experts, the bricklayers, the interior designers, the welders, the electricians, and alike. In the same way, for you to finish that creative project of yours, you will need people and their services, and you would have to learn effective communication skills and interrelational skills. The Holy Spirit can teach you these.
Have you ever been in a new environment, where you had to display your own talents or perhaps lead up, and you really did not get welcomed because they saw you as a stranger or a threat in their own territory?
When you start something old with your new ideas in a new environment where their culture is bad and it is against your own values, you will definitely feel the hostility, and only if you know who you are and what your values are, that you will be able to stand firmly without being moved.
Most people are often unable to stay in such a hostile environment and therefore move from one place to another instead of learning how to deal with other people of different values and of difficult behaviours. We as children of God are to be the light in any darkness. To begin to deal with other people's behaviours, you would have to learn how to deal with yourself first.
Being hateful, narrow-minded, and unwilling to change can cause you to lose opportunities and money. Being hateful is very costly too. It will cause you to lose your integrity, you will lose relationships that were meant to build up, you will also lose opportunities and your influences will all also go down.
The more adaptable you choose to be, the more flexible you will be. The ability to fit in any situation or in anyplace will broaden your chances of displaying your God-given talents, but if you can only move with people who can talk like you, think like you and act like you, then you will miss the chance to share as well as learn from others with different views.
Knowing exactly who you are with your core values means that you are open to so many views, but you do not necessarily have to allow those views to change your own identity in Christ Jesus.
Part of your creativity will be, the ability to identify and manage conflicts of interest. Part of your creativity will also be to get out of your own comfort zone. Remember that, even Jesus dined with the tax collectors, after all, only those who are sick are in need of a physician. You are supposed to be valuable where you are a problem solver.
You have to move to unleash the creativity in you, the more you move with it, the more you are known for it and the more you are likely to open doors of opportunities for yourself.
As you move, what do you see? What you see at the level of your vision will be your provision, so see yourself with a broader eye, see yourself just the way God sees you.
Stop seeing your circumstances, see your future in progress. For God has given everyone the power and the authority to accomplish. Don’t be bound with your thoughts. When you have the muscle and ability to do more and you do not because of your situation, you are limiting yourself.
that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God Colossians 1:10
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you Matthew 6:33
God’s power is unlimited. He needs no teachers Job 36:22
So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase 1 Corinthians 3:7
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© 2021 Titilope Iyowu