Chapter 4
In between places
Stuck in-between places and people
At some point in our lives, we may suddenly get stuck in between places. The inability to move forward or backward can suddenly occur due to ignoring God.
That sudden change from motion to being stuck in-between places can arise due to many factors. Sometimes, it might be that one has changed personally, for instance, like a change in attitude. Some people don’t realize that over time they have developed an ego. Such attitude is not pleasing to God, neither is it pleasing to man, it only makes one lose relationships and opportunities. It is called pride.
If you are not humble, God will humble you, and you will have to come back begging for what you would have otherwise been offered with ease and with a humble and pleasant attitude.
In other cases, we may have unknowingly reduced our zeal and hunger for our dreams. This is not surprising at all, sometimes when we need something, we go an extra mile to get it, like a job for instance, and when we start the job, we may initially do more than expected to prove our worth, but after a while, things just begin to go slow due to other external forces like family issues, mental stress or health issues.
Can you picture that in your relationship with God, when we first give our lives to Jesus Christ, the love is fresh, just like a new couple who just tied the knot, but over time, the love which is supposed to be constant, that unconditional love begins to suddenly diminish because we fail to acknowledge its source. God does not want us in-between, He wants us hot always, not cold today or lukewarm tomorrow.
For some people, they would have achieved all that they planned to, for instance, things listed in their short term or long term goals, and there is nothing more to think about, or perhaps they have been with people with the same goals, and as such, there is really no motivation or challenge, and therefore, there is no more excitement and zeal to push forward.
Getting stuck in between places can happen in any area of life, like in your career or even in your relationship with God and with people. It could be outside of your job and it could be in a relationship, like in marriage as an example.
Some people assume the role of God and may have a false responsibility in their relationship with a friend, in a marriage, or even as a parent. When we assume false responsibilities, forgetting God, and thinking that we are in charge and we can do it all alone, our strength runs out and we get stuck, seeking a way out.
We have to understand that, it is very important to acknowledge God in everything that we do so that we can land safely. To land safely or have a good result, we must put God first and allow Him to lead, by guiding every step we take, to avoid stumbling and getting stuck.
We might want the best for people, and do what we think is right for them especially our loved ones. If we understand our strengths and limits, we would understand that the good thing we want for people may not be what God has in plan for them, so we have to involve God if we do not want our good deed to go wrong eventually.
It is very important for you as a person to know where you stand in your relationship with God by knowing that, running off and doing things on your own can be limited but when you involve God you will be limitless.
It is also important to maintain a relationship. You will have family, friends, or jobs, and it is very important to be creative enough to maintain your identity in Christ while being involved with others. If you cannot build a sound relationship with God, it is impossible to build one with others.
Do you have a false identity? Some people have what we call a sense of false identity because they hide under the umbrella of others. When such people lose a relationship, it becomes a long-standing problem because they have relied on people and have derived their identity in people rather than in Christ Jesus.
Some people do not know who they are in Christ, and with an identity in the wrong places and with the wrong people, a person can find it difficult to move or start all over when they fail, so when the people they have been attached to for so long leave and situations change, they become stuck in between.
Your history, the people around you, or your profession should not define you or stop you from being who God has created you to be. The process of now redefining yourself can be so tough that you are stuck in-between places, but you have to move and you have to change your thoughts. If you do not like where you are, move, “you are not a tree”, as people say.
It is not a surprise that nobody wants to remain exactly where they have been or keep doing what they have been doing but the question people keep asking themselves is “how do I move forward?”
This is where your relationship with God will be worth it, your Godly instinct will become a powerful tool for you. You have to begin to see yourself as God’s creation and you also have to begin to trust God’s instinct in you. It is God that will grant you the desires of your heart when you delight in His words. I am talking about the Holy Bible.
This is about allowing the word of God to do the entire renewal of your mind. As you begin to meditate on the word of God, identifying what is required of you and what is required of God in your partnership, you will begin to eliminate what is not supposed to be in your life gradually.
This reminds me of the nursing assessment that we do on a patient, it is called urinalysis, which is a urine sample test. When this test is done, there are certain things like blood or glucose that are not meant to be found in the urine, and when such components are found, it is a maker of a kind of disease that needs urgent attention.
In a similar way, you have to be able to take an inventory of what is in your heart, you cannot have a pile of dirty stuff and expect to get good stuff done.
A negative-minded person gives birth to a negative attitude and situations and a positive-minded person gives birth to a positive attitude and positive situations.
Your intuition should help you do things better this time. In the past, which was during your afflictions and struggles, you would have learnt how to submit to God, you would also have become sharper in your intuition. Your intuitiveness would have become more refined because it has been cultivated by the word of God.
So if you have instinctive ideas, do not let them die unborn, give birth to them and you will see how much they will grow. Do you not see how small sperm cells are and how they grow into an embryo? And when born, do you not see how much it grows from a child into an adult and to the many things the developed person can accomplish in life.
Can you imagine how long it took for each process to take place? So you have to be patient when you are rebranding yourself and allowing God to create a new you as you also create.
Your instinctive ideas will grow and become fruitful when you give birth to them with hard work and with patience. If you can trust God for someone to become pregnant and, trust God during that person’s pregnancy and during the delivery of the new baby, why can you not trust God to help you birth your instinctive idea and grow it to become fruitful beyond your own imagination?
Remember that, you do not know where the wind blows from and you do not know how a baby grows in his mother’s womb but you do believe that God makes everything happen, so trust in God with all of your heart, do not lean on your own understanding, and if you acknowledge God in everything that you do, it will happen miraculously.
If you can truly trust God, God will position you with people who have similar instincts to increase ideas through their diverse contributions and influence, but if you have the wrong people around you, your ideas will die prematurely.
The people who will benefit from you are out there in the world somewhere waiting for you to also breathe life into them through your God.
Your destiny is not in your shelter or comfort zone, it is required out there in the world, your instincts should not be hidden, it should be let loose for discovery.
If you are ready to follow your instincts to birth your dreams, be ready to experience that pain that produces the gain.
In between every system of change and recreation, there will be a level of fight to win, and just like the attention of a baby changes as she grows, you will begin to notice changes as you take each step. Instinctive ideas cry to make their own name, so do not give up at all, stay on course.
But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” James 4.6 nkjv
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. Romans 1.1-2 The Message
So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither [a]cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Revelation 3.16 nkjv
Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37. 4nkjv
A good man out of the good treasure [a]of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. Mathew 12.35 nkjv
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