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Chapter 4

In between places

Creativity at its best

Creativity originates from the mind. Some people are creative in nature and people know them for their creativity while some people are creative but do not exercise it or know that they are creative in the first place. Everyone is blessed with the art of creativity by our creative God who created us.

People who don’t use their creativity miss out on relationships or jobs that were meant to be for them. A creative-minded person can have a lasting relationship because he or she keeps bringing fresh ideas that strengthen relationships.

Creativity comes in waves and we can have moments and seasons where and when we can show our creativity at its best. Creativity can be so passionate that, it can also intimidate the creative mind on its own.

To be creative, you have to be able to challenge your insight because a person’s perception about something can block his or her creativity. People get used to observing things from their own point of view based on their personal experiences, interests, and needs. and sometimes your creativity may not necessarily be for you but for other people.

To be creative, you also have to clear your emotional blocks. Some common emotional blockers are hatred for another, anger, anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, insecurity, malice even love infatuation, all these negative blockers cause confusion and do not allow one to concentrate, they can blind one’s eyes to reality, leaving one so obsessed that reality becomes fantasy.

To be creative you have to storm the gates till the gates are opened. This means bombarding your projects with some ideas until you breakthrough. It means trying various options or displaying your talents and creativity in various ways. The only way to get this done is to be non-judgemental about your own ideas, it will be unwise to give so many ideas and then eliminate all one by one until there is none, due to uncertainty, if you fail, try again and again in different ways till you make your brand known.

To be creative you have to break your normal routine, you also have to be unpredictable, and you have to derive new ideas from new places, new people and from genuine resources.

To be creative you have to identify the differences between your instincts and your intellect, you have to be able to determine what attracts you and what puts you off, you also have to know where your destiny is pulling you. You are meant to follow your instinct because they are meant to guide you, your intellect will only validate your hunger for what your instinct is.

To be creative you have to rely on what is called partnership. Who are you partnering with? Some people rely so much on others that when it is time for it to happen they get really disappointed by others. I would advise that anything that you build is built on a solid rock so that when the rain pours and when the wind blows, you and your ideas are still standing. If you labor with God, you will finally make and eat the fruits of your labor.

Being creative can sometimes cause fatigue because, in the beginning, you will have to work so hard and try all strategies to build. So, leave space and create time to reenergize and re-strategize. Always leave room for God to work in you.

Creativity also needs to acknowledge all of its resources, you would know that when someone writes an academic assignment, one has to reference all of its sources, it is the same with any creative work. All sources have to be acknowledged. It is a way of saying thank you.

It is important that you acknowledge God first and then all the people that He has set beside you to help you accomplish your dreams. When you say thank you to people, you create room for more help from them. This releases the power of God to operate in your life again.

The transition from just living to, now being can be challenging, but what is more exciting is that though we often resist, complain, grumble, and become irritable, we do so because we feel confused and fail to discover our new skill sets and once we do, we are able to create.

Everybody has got some weakness or something to be scared of in life, it becomes a problem if these weaknesses become an obstacle that hinders the fulfillment of the life that God has pre-planned for you.

Once you have identified a fear that will stop you from fulfilling your destiny, you have to see to it that you bring that fear under the submission of God. Let fear be afraid of you.

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© 2021 Titilope Iyowu

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