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DESTINY Talks Music Academy



Titilope Iyowu Oyadeyi has been on an incredible journey of stepping into her existing artistic and creative gifts. In the past few years, from nowhere, her creativity has exploded to a whole new dimension.

It's exciting to see the many new and amazing exploits being done so efficiently and effectively by the power of Jesus Christ through her.

Titilope Iyowu Oyadeyi said that creating music with God has been profitable for her and for the benefit of those around her.

Titilope is not afraid to allow the heart of God shine through Destiny Talks Record Label. Titilope Iyowu Oyadeyi is the CEO of Destiny Talks Record Label.

Destiny Talks has produced various music genres ranging from Christian gospel worship, praise songs and hymnals


Destiny Talks Music Academy is a Christian Music School inspired by the  Holy Spirit. Its purpose is to discover music creative practioners, help them bring out the music talent in them, teach them how to write, compose and make music that is aligned with the purpose of God and  others.











Showing respect and love for everyone's unique identity.

Showing joy through the art of music.

Bringing tranquilty and creativity.

Letting patience produce character, and character produce hope

Showing empathy towards others.

Making the impossible possible.

Showing compassion.

Developing greatness with discipline.

2 Corinthians 3:3, NASB: 

revealing yourselves, that you are a letter of Christ, delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.


Destiny Talks Music Academy is aligned with the purpose of God for us. The Bible says that we are to demonstrate the peace of Jesus Christ through our creativity. Music is developed from the heart and our  vison is to ensure that every creative practitioner finds a purpose in music, fulfills it through the gifts produced by the Holy Spirit and leaves a legacy for others follow.



Destiny Talks Music Academy mission is to use our God-given creative gifts and talents to teach the teachings of Jesus Christ through the art of music and through various music genres. Our mission is to ensure that every creative practioner uses music to impact the seven mountains of influence. Destiny Talks is also aligned with the Creative Victoria : Creative Impact Framework. Our mission is to ensure that every creative practitioner contributes to the state's economy, social and cultural values. 

Copyright © 2022 Destiny Talks. All rights reserved.

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