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I like to dedicate this write-up to all of you out there who have got a story to tell. Often, we all, have got something to say, but what we have to say is sometimes buried inside of us and left untold.

I, therefore, encourage you to come to terms with the story inside of you and share your story.

You are valued, and your voice matters. The experiences we have as human beings are there to inspire others.

What experiences have you got? What lessons have you learnt? What story have you got to share?

It does not matter what your storyline is all about. It could be personal or professional. Maybe someone out there needs to hear it, so open that vein and let it bleed.

Make up your mind today and be an encouragement to others. Write what is inside of you and inspire all.

© 2021 Titilope Iyowu

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