Chapter 7
You are more than enough

We are more than enough and only if we could just surrender all and set ourselves free. We often think that we are all in charge of our lives and we become the protagonists to our very own selves, making various decisions every day.
Yes! I agree with you, we do have free will. We are either making our own choices or, we are allowing others to make choices for us, allowing them to either be a protagonist or an antagonist to our visions.
How can we let go and surrender all? How can we detach ourselves from self-attention or from our expectations of all that we seek in life? Is it possible to even surrender all?
Yes! It is possible to let go of all that we seek in life and still get all that we are worth in life. What I have come to understand and have learnt is, to get my attention off myself and off the expectations or the reactions from people, how they feel about me, what they know and what they do not know about me.
You really do not have to waste your time and energy on things that do not really matter. In as much as we are concerned about the outcomes of what we love to do, we are to be conscious more of how what we love to do will serve others.
For instance, anytime I write from my soul, I pour myself out into the world and what reaction on earth could possibly change the authentic me?
Will the reaction from people add to what is already inside of me? Doing what you love to do should be more about your service to others and not how the reaction of people will help you fulfill your status quo.
If you do not let go of the opinions and reactions from people, you will miss the true meaning of being free. You will be focused more on how to impress people rather than on how to love more. Your main priority in life should be how to increase your level of service to the world.

When you come to a point where you have to surrender all and let go of all that you are working so hard to acquire in life.
All the things you are longing to have will begin to chase you and begin to show up and align with you. This will mean that you are no longer on the treadmill you put yourself on, sweating unnecessarily.
It will mean that all that you do is done with ease, with so much comfort, and genuinely from the depth of your heart.
In a nutshell, surrendering all means that you are no longer doing things on your own, it means putting God first in everything that you do. When you seek God first, everything that you need will be added to you.
As long as you are focused, and you have got a purpose to live for, God will take care of you and you will always know what to do and how to go about doing it.
I noticed that even as a writer, once I let go of the priority of looking for people to promote or endorse my book, I became stress-free.
I affirmed that I knew who I was, and I knew what I was writing about. I affirmed that God has already given to me a go-ahead and nothing else or nobody else’s opinion really made a difference.
I write with ease and all that I need to fulfill my calling to write is continuing to show up as I seek God first.
It is very peaceful to be free and you really need to experience being free. You do not have to defend yourself when you know who you are.
When you truly know who you are and you identify with Christ Jesus, people’s critics, reasonings, or opinions about you will not matter anymore.
People's opinions do not make us who we are, our character does. How on earth do people then worry so much about who says what and to whom?
I have always wanted to justify everything I did, but I have come to understand that, you can never please everybody, and so it is not necessary to compromise your time and peace of mind for the justification of who we are.

Be extraordinary
If you want extraordinary things to happen in your life, you have to begin by painting a picture of what you consider as being extraordinary for you in your heart.
This is because, what you count as being extraordinary may be what somebody else thinks of as just ordinary.
What you see and know as extraordinary should be what matters. Think, or picture something that could only happen to you only with a miracle or perhaps through divine intervention.
It could be in your home, in a relationship, regarding your job or even your finances, moving forward, starting a new life, raising your children, or having more influence.
All these will have to be what you dream to be or dream to achieve in life. Once you are done, this will be the first step.
The second step will be to erase doubt. Some of us have been raised with doubt while some of us have been raised to believe in the impossible.
Doubt is a subordinate clause that begins with, whether, or if. Doubt is not believing that something is true, or something can happen, and if you really want to achieve the extraordinary, you must begin by removing doubt.
The reason why people doubt is that they fail to acknowledge that we as humans are enough, we are sufficient, and we have all that it takes to survive and to do the extraordinary.
We are divine beings, and we are capable and creative enough to accomplish extraordinary things in life.
The day we were created, we were created with everything that we would need until the end. I remember that people usually say, just let the baby come, and all that it needs in life will come with it.
The beginning and the end of us are like a parenthesis surrounded with the eternity of all that is required in that parenthesis.
What constitutes your life cannot be measured, it is weightless, you cannot see it, and you cannot touch it. That part of you that creates the journey of your life is exactly where the doubt is.
Completely removing doubt means coming to realize that you are not a human being having a spiritual experience, you are a spiritual being having a supernatural experience. We are all spiritual beings and not until you come to that realization, doubt will remain.
The quality of supernatural experiences in this physical world is based on how we connect with and use that invisible space within us. Something has to occupy that space. If you do not occupy it with the word of God, you will fail to experience that extraordinary life you want.
And as you renew your thoughts and reorientate yourself to who you really are, you will begin to live the way you are supposed to live and do the things that you are supposed to do.
When you stop defining yourself based on who you are not and when you also stop defining yourself based on your wealth, your qualification, your friends, your job, or your location and you begin to see yourself as an empty space that can occupy so much, you will begin to humble yourself and get rid of the pride of who you are not.
Your priority will be to look after your spiritual life which will eventually take care of the physical aspect of your life.
What is happening around you should not change what is inside of you. Life is like a pre-planned life. It is not a pay-as-you-go plan. We only need to step into purpose to play our roles.
Life also is like an exam and some people fail at it for a while until they see a light at the end of the tunnel. While some do onto others what they have experienced, some will make a vow that it must not happen to others again, depending on the situation.
To begin to erase doubt, you have to be able to distinguish between what you believe in from what the truth in the word of God is saying and this learning process will be for a lifetime.
Beliefs are always handed over to us from the external, and they are intellectual acts. They are never to be relied upon and will often let people down.
Wisdom is from God, wisdom is also to acknowledge that you do not know it all. To continually learn from yourself and from others, you have to shut down your inner dialogue that says you know it all. You also have to remove your ego and self-importance.
The measure of your knowledge is not only in your life experiences, you also have to be open-minded and trust in the wisdom of God.

© 2021 Titilope Iyowu