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Chapter 2

I Am my story

I love writing, but writing is not what I just love to do, it is what “I AM”, I AM because I was formed in the likeness of God. God is I AM and He is telling His story through me.

How fascinating is this? If you ask me who sent me to write or perhaps who called me to write, my answer would be “I AM”. 

I Am the author of my story

The scripture says that "looking unto Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith" Hebrews 12:2. If you must be that story that God wants to tell, you must allow Jesus Christ to be your author. You also can be an authorized author by God, writing stories that demonstrate how life should be lived.

Writing is not for everyone so is reading not for everyone. If you write a book for everybody, it is really for nobody. Writing targets a specific audience for a specific purpose, and as a writer, you must go out there and connect with the people that will benefit from reading what you have written.

Your writing may eventually spread to a wider audience but you need to start from somewhere first. Your first platform may not necessarily be your main audience.

If you have had a few presentations at school, you would understand that sometimes, you would have had to practice in front of a sofa or a mirror.

In the same way as a writer, you have to begin to write on a practice platform till you are ready to transition to your main platform.

What is it that you have been called to write about and to whom have you been called to write to? You have to be clear about this.

It is better for non-fiction writers to develop a trustworthy relationship with their audience through a social media platform. After all, we live in that space now.

You may begin a baby platform with a free book, what is referred to as a channeled book, to get the attention of your audience.

You may also begin a blog or perhaps make daily entries on your choice of topics on your Facebook page. Remember not to stay on one platform of an idea for too long, you have to stay fresh and remain fresh.

There must be a reason why you are so passionate about writing on specific topics. 

When life calls you to write and share your story, you have a choice to answer to your call. When you answer to that call, life will take care of your steps and journey

Books open the whole world to you with no limitations, so begin now, write that which you are so passionate about and open yourself to the universe. Be genuine and be honest about it and the universe will answer you back.

Whatever you write should always be people-focused, it should always meet the needs of others. It should also be how you are going to shift people's ordinary thinking to God's supernatural thinking.

When I first started writing and took writing as my hobby and career pathway, I just started and believed in myself. Always believe in what you believe in and allow all that you do to grow and mature.

Little drops make a mighty ocean. As one of my coaches in writing, Doreen Virtue once said, it is so easy to write, just open a vein and bleed.

Just begin to write, know that if you have something genuine to say, there is always someone out there who genuinely wants to hear it.

To begin to write, be willing to assess yourself honestly, also never judge anyone. Once you are free from not judging anyone, then you also are free from anyone who judges you.

Have you started writing? Are you still on your practice platform? Or Are you on your audience platform? Make a move today.

© 2021 Titilope Iyowu

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