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Chapter 10

The time for everything

Don’t take things for granted and do not take your life for granted. There is always the last time for everything.

Time waits for nobody. The time is always ticking and tucking.

There are certain things in life that will never, unfortunately, get to happen again, so when life gives you an opportunity, go with it. In fact, run with it if you have to.

Before you know it, you would be asking yourself “where did the time go?” So, pay attention to the little things that you are opportune to have.

If you appreciate those little things, they will grow, but if you take them for granted, life, greatness, and opportunities may pass you by.

You don’t know if it is going to be the last call, so answer your call. You are not sure if it is also going to be the last song, so dance to it like you do not care.

Do you want to know why you have to act promptly and proactively in life? It is because there's the last time for everything.

The times we live in are not controlled by us, they are controlled by God, so make everything you do memorable, make it count.

Guess what? There is always a day to start which is called “Today” If you have been lost, you can certainly regain your identity and redefine yourself now. Yes, right now. Don’t forget, the time is ticking and tucking.

Pilot your pain into power

You can shift your pain and move in the direction of your dreams even if, and especially when you do not know how to.

Change agents and successful people in life do leave their feelings behind. Start being, don’t be moved by your feelings. Feelings are deceitful.

Are you still waiting for all the ducks to line up or for the weather to be perfect before you move or take that step?

I can understand, you will always have one or two reasons why you really can't move.

Can I say to you that once you start and make a move for a change in your life, your ducks will come running and your weather forecast will be perfect for you regardless of what the weather forecast is around you.

Once you start, the required resources you need in order to finish your projects will be provided.

If you trust in God and are open to the universe, provisions will be made available to you and for you.

You will, over time develop your confidence, inspiration, creativity, and alliance or partnership.

To make the first move, you must first travel along your path so that the world can see and meet with you at every step of your way.

For some time now, I have tried to figure things out on my own and I have tried to be the best that I could possibly be in life, but I struggled.

I don't know if you have noticed, some people have it all, they are fit financially, academically, physically, and socially but they lack spiritual fitness.

Their lack of spiritual fitness is what knocks them down, and even with all that they have got, they still have to manage depression, anxiety, and fear.

To be productive in life, you must be:

Be Imperfectly made perfect

It is impossible to know what you want when you cannot identify the original you.

You must find and connect with the original you. You can do this by identifying your weaknesses and strengths and your unique code to happiness.

Sometimes, feelings are what make people have a false identity. The more you act based on your feelings, the more disconnected you will be from the original you.

To make affirmations of who you are, you have to know your origin. You have to know who God says you are.

You can connect to God through our Lord Jesus Christ, He is the way, the truth, and life, when you affirm your identity in Christ, it means that you are no longer weak, you are no longer sick, you are no longer poor.

Jesus Christ paid the price and if you do not identify with Him and allow Him to show you the way, you may carry on forever in a limited version of you.

Once you have identified with Jesus Christ. Then you have to begin to declare and decree by saying the truth which is the word of God

For instance, you can say “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” or “I am healed” or “ I am rich"

The words that we speak have the power to change us.


Like a motivational speaker will say, do not hold on to your breath, do some deep breathing exercises and meditate on the words of your affirmations.

It will reduce your stress and increase your happiness and peace of mind.

Meditating on positive words of affirmation improves sleep, enhances the ability to focus, and improves memory. 

There is no lie about this, the truth is that you will get only temporary results from affirming just positive words. When you meditate on the word of God and affirm His truth in your life and over your circumstances. You will see for yourself that there is indeed a life free of trouble.

Move to Improve

Exercise is more than just moving your physical body to certain areas to get fit.

You also have to move to feed your soul. If what you are feeding yourself with is not bringing you fruits of life, you are to move those thoughts and ideology from your mind by renewing your mind with new ideas.

You can develop new and positive ideas by reading the word of God, or by moving around people who will help you grow your creative seeds or challenge you.

As they say, “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are” This does not mean that you will not mingle with others with a different perspective or from a different cultural background.

It only means that you know who you are well enough, and even if you acknowledge the ideas and culture of others, it does not change who you are.

It basically means that you do not define who you are with who you mingle with and with what

The truth is that if you stay too long with people who will not help you fulfil your purpose, you will eventually be like them.

You, therefore, have to move between people and in-between places. Feed your soul right. What you eat today will tell on you tomorrow.

Thanks for reading

© 2021 Titilope Iyowu

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